Rod Suskin

What the Course Entails

The course offers a thorough training in practical astrology, based on the techniques of modern astrology, astrology of the renaissance, medieval astrology and classical Greek astrology.

The course is spread over three years:

Each year consists of 30 weekly two-hour classes spread over 3 terms, as well as consistent work at home even over the term breaks. The course is designed to ensure that you keep working at it – like a language or an instrument, Astrology cannot be learned successfully to a professional standard if large breaks are taken, they put you back at square one! So I expect you to be dedicated and willing to work hard. In return, I guarantee a very stimulating experience and a worthwhile skill at the end.
Correspondence students cover the same ground but are able to do so at a pace they determine.

Where you start depends on how much you already know

• Newcomers to astrology and most amateurs should start at Level I (Foundation)
• Experienced amateurs & students/graduates of other courses can start at Level II (Practitioner’s Certificate) *
• Long-time amateurs and experienced astrologers may be able to start at Level III (Professional Diploma) *

* students who want to start at Level II or Level III will be required to pass an entrance exam and will be charged an additional entrance fee

How long you study depends on your goal

• If you aim to be a professional astrologer, you should complete Level III
• If you want to use astrology to complement your existing profession, or if you just want a complete enough education to practise astrology responsibly and accurately for whatever reason, you should complete Level II *
• If you’re just an interested amateur, only want to do astrology for yourself or are unsure about whether you want to complete a certificate or Diploma, you should complete Level I
* if your other qualification is Medicine or another health profession you should complete Level III which includes instruction in medical astrology.

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Course Outline

Level I (Foundation) trains you in the language of Astrology. You will learn all the basic tools and techniques of analysis and prediction, which form the basis of all other techniques you will ever learn. This also covers astronomy for astrologers, computers and some history.This includes: using rulership and dignity properly, and how these are used to find the correct interpretations of things. A solid classicalfoundation.  Classical interpretation methodology is taught from the very beginning, as this is what produces accuracy. But the focus (as opposed to method) of interpretation is very modern in this year -personality, psychology,  etc - though done by reading the chart the correct way. Some basic principles of prediction (including transits) are taught.
The Foundation year is also a suitable stand-alone course for amateur astrologers.

Level II (Practitioner’s Certificate) extends your knowledge of predictive techniques much further. The main focus is on Horary astrology and its branches, and you begin to really see the power of astrology. You also learn the latest techniques of midpoint and solar arc delineation, as well as significantly more of the rigorous classical techniques that anchor your foundation and give you expertise in any situation. Specific counseling areas are covered such as relationship astrology and vocation. Specialised techniques in common practise including midpoints, AstroCartography ®, much more predictive technique, classical methods from the 16th century to the present, horary astrology and all its branches.

Level III (Professional Diploma) exposes you to many of the more rigorous and sometimes off-beat areas of astrology that take you from being capable to being competent. You will learn how to work with stars and asteroids and the rudiments of Vedic Astrology that enables you to bring a spiritual angle to your interpretations.Medical astrology covered in depth. Extensive studies are made of the still-useful methods of prediction, constitution, soul analysis and other techniques from Medieval and Ancient astrology such as Primaries, Firdaria, Profections, the Length of Life, Medical astrology etc.

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